Can you really create your dream life? Or is it just a marketing scam?

Can you really create the life of your dreams?
Or is it all just marketing bullshit?

I understand that “the life of your dreams” sounds already too cliche to be true.

I tell all my clients that I will help them create the life of THEIR dreams. A life that feels like “omg is this even real life?”. Most of them get excited because they know exactly what that means for them, and others are skeptical because they imagine a movie fairytale and think it’s impossible.

And guess what… your dream-life is not this picture perfect commercial life of living in a villa with a pool, 3 kids and a gorgeous husband who makes you pancakes every Sunday morning.

Again… your dream life is a life that you desire. It is not a cut-out from a movie but rather a cut-out from your soul.

So get clear about that.

  • How do you want to feel in every area of your life?

  • What situations, experiences or things will realistically make you feel this way?

  • What are the inner blocks or obstacles that are holding you back from creating this life?

These are some of the questions that you can ask yourself in order to gain clarity on what it is that you call your “dream life”.

And then keep asking yourself: does my behaviour/ habits/ decisions support the life I want to create?

If the answer is yes, then keep going and you will transform your life in unimaginable ways. If the answer is no, then just change 1 behavior, 1 habit, 1 limiting thought. Because it can be truly more than enough to create big lasting changes.

If an airplane flying from LA to New York would change its course by only 1 % it’d land in frickin’ Washington DC.

Now imagine where you would land if you’d changed your course by only 1%!

Enrolment for ALIGN is open again. Want to create a life that feels like a “hell YES!”?

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The odds were against me but I still made my dream come true.


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