Get your FREE Values Workshop

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 If you want to finally not care what other people think…

… and begin living life on your terms, you’ll need to:

✔ Be grounded in your own values.

✔ Establish a clear feeling for what is TRULY right or wrong for you.

✔ Tune into your own guidance system (aka intuition).

Especially when you are at the beginning of your self-development/healing journey, it is so easy to fall off the wagon. You begin to get the feeling that you finally get close to your own truth, and then a loved one comes and tells you something completely different.

You become confused, unsure and loose your resolve.
You hold on to the words of others (especially of your loved ones) because you believe that they know you best.

But deep inside you know, that only your inner voice knows who you truly are…

 All of these worries and doubts come from a place of insecurity.
A place of fear. The fear of our loved ones seeing who we truly are and leaving us.
This is the fear of rejection.

But when you know all parts of you, when you accept them all, then no one can diminish you. Vulnerability is beautiful, it is healing.

“Nothing I accept about myself, can be used against me, to diminish me.”
- Audre Lorde

 P.S. there is a huge surprise waiting for you inside this training…